A Whole Barrel of News

So much stuff has been condensed into the last week, its hard to sit down and catalog it all.  But catalog I shall – for science.

On Monday, I published the first few of our doll designs, done by myself and the fabulously talented Onion.  Download them!  Download them now!

When you download them, you may notice that the word “alpha” is gone from the template.  We’ve moved on, folks.  I am still fiddling with the wording on some of the instructions, as I likely will be for a long time.  Expect to see the next version drop sometime this weekend.

In other news, if you’ve been searching for the materials to try SBN out for yourself and you haven’t been able to find something, we have some kits listed on Etsy just for the purpose of making SBN dolls.  This is our “store” for now, although I’d like to have a more elegant solution in the future.

The foam blocks in the photo above are from the sewing kits.  They come with these adorable tiny pincushions that are just right for a project the size of a Sew By Numbers doll.

All content © Copyright 2025 Haley Moore. sewbynumbers@gmail.com

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